Schmidt's #MadeForEveryone
If you’ve ever been curious about entering the world of natural deodorant but had an overwhelming sense of F.O.B.O. (Fear of Body Odor)* FEAR NO MORE.
Schmidt’s teamed up with soccer superstar Megan Rapinoe to tackle this very real issue. Together, Schmidt’s and Megan are raising the bar on what you can expect from a natural deodorant while challenging competitor deodorant brands and their outdated tropes – because Schmidt’s is #MadeForEveryone.
*FOBO is real for many people. In fact, a 2021 survey found that 79% of people ages 18-35 report feeling anxious about their body odor on a day-to-day basis. And during a time when we can all finally start to emerge from quarantine safely, 60% said they wouldn’t even leave their house if they know they have bad BO.